10950 M-52
Manchester, MI 48158
(734) 428-7005
Personalized and Professional Service For 30+ Years!
Fall Color Packages
Large Property - Option 1
Sugar Maple ‘Legacy’ - orange/red
Red Maple ‘Red Sunset’ - bright red
Sugar Maple ‘Green Mountain’ - yellow orange
Ginkgo ‘Autumn Gold’ - bright yellow
American Beech - copper yellow
Premium (2-2 ½” installed) - $4,815
Standard (1 ½-1 ¾” installed) - $3,835
Large Property - Option 2
Swamp White Oak - yellow to brilliant reddish purple
Shumard Oak - beautiful dark reddish brown
Scarlet Oak - vibrant red
Hornbeam - yellow
Premium (2-2 ½” installed) - $4,315
Standard (1 ½-1 ¾” installed) - $3,665
Small Property - Option 1
Sugar Maple ‘Fall Fiesta’ - yellow/orange to red
Red Maple ‘Redpointe’ - bright red
Red Maple ‘Armstrong Gold’ - yellow/gold/orange
Flowering Cherry ‘Pink Flair’ - orange/red to red/purple
Premium (2-2 ½” installed) - $3,915
Standard (1 ½-1 ¾” installed) - $2,987
Small Property - Option 2
Columnar Oak ‘'Crimson Spire'’ - red
Columnar Oak ‘Skinny Genes’ - yellow
Zelkova ‘Green Vase’ - bright gold, orange, and red
Premium (2-2 ½” installed) - $3,465
Standard (1 ½-1 ¾” installed) - $2,487